Welcome to the K8ssandra Community

The K8ssandra Community is a place where Apache Cassandra™ and Kubernetes experts answer your questions about:

  • K8ssandra cloud-native platform
  • Kubernetes operator for Apache Cassandra (cass-operator)
  • Stargate data gateway for REST, GraphQL and JSON/Doc API access to Cassandra
  • Reaper automated repair tool
  • Medusa backup and restore system
  • Metric Collector (MCAC) for monitoring clusters with Prometheus + Grafana integration

Let’s get you started with some important items you need to know about the community.

Code of conduct

We as users and contributors value respect, diversity, empathy and open-mindedness above all. All participants agree to comply with the acceptable use and standards set out in the Terms of Service. As an open-source community, we all have our part to play in maintaining a fun and positive experience for all our members.

Please be kind when participating in discussions and be respectful to other members when responding as if you were face-to-face with the other person in a public place.

The Community Guidelines provides additional guidance for improving the discussion, being agreeable when you disagree with another member, and flagging problems when you see it.

Forum Layout

We aim to keep things simple to make it easy for you to navigate the community:

Good answers

Please accept the solutions to your questions if they helped you. This helps other members in the community get to the answer and also boosts the ranking of your posts.

Other tips

This forum supports simple Markdown for formatting. See the examples here for supported syntax.

Thank you for being a part of the K8ssandra Community. We’re so glad to have you here as a valued member. We hope you build lasting connections, learn and grow with other community members!


Hi everyone, i just start to use k8ssandra and i want to learn how much as possible about this great tool.

Hi that is my pleasure.
Best Regards


I’m here to learn as much as possible about K8ssandra clusters

nice details .Im sangeeth

hi can we create backup for multiple cluster using medusa backup type full

Thank you, very useful info.

Hello, I wanna implement k8ssandra to my project

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