K8ssandra Multi Region Cluster Deployment Best Practices

Hello Everyone,

I have a question about K8ssandra Multiple Cluster, Multi Region Setup. I have read the blog post and k8ssandra operator documentation about deploying Multiple cluster K8ssandra deployment and it mentions that we should deploy k8ssandra-operator in seperate control plane.

As mentioned in k8ssandra-operator documentation

“While it is possible to deploy a Cassandra datacenter in the control-plane cluster, we recommend that you avoid doing so”.

My question is why we should not deploy control plane & cassandra data center together.
lets say i deploy k8ssandra cluster (control-plane) in single cluster only, then what happens if that cluster goes down? How to handle this failover?

And if i have single kubernetes cluster then also I have to deploy k8ssandra-operator (control-plane) in seperate kubernetes cluster? if on single k8s cluster there are no issues to install k8ssandra-operator(Control-plane) & cassandra datacenter together then what specific problem i would encounter if i do same in multi cluster setup?