Error: template: k8ssandra/charts/k8ssandra-custom/templates/storageclass.yaml:5:11: executing "k8ssandra/charts/k8ssandra-custom/templates/storageclass.yaml" at <include "k8ssandra-common.fullname" .>:

I am trying to deploy k8ssandra using argoCD and getting below error but I am able to deploy k8ssandra using a jenkins job. The different I find between jenkins and argocd is that in Jenkins I use helm dep update before helm upgrade whereas argocd uses helm template. How can I fix it. --include-crds` failed exit status 1: Error: template: k8ssandra/charts/k8ssandra-custom/templates/storageclass.yaml:5:11: executing “k8ssandra/charts/k8ssandra-custom/templates/storageclass.yaml” at <include “k8ssandra-common.fullname” .>: error calling include: template: k8ssandra/charts/k8ssandra-common/templates/_helpers.tpl:14:3: executing “k8ssandra-common.fullname” at <include “common.names.fullname” .>: error calling include: template: no template “common.names.fullname” associated with template “gotpl” Use --debug flag to render out invalid YAML