Unable to deploy cassandra 4.1.X using k8ssandra-operator

Hi, I am trying to deploy C* 4.1 using k8ssandra-operator 1.5.0/1.7.0 but getting the following error .
demo CassandraDatacenter.cassandra.datastax.com "dc1" is invalid: [spec.serverVersion: Invalid value: "4.1.0": spec.serverVersion in body should match '(6\.8\.\d+)|(3\.11\.\d+)|(4\.0\.\d+)', spec.storageConfig.additionalVolumes[0].pvcSpec: Required value]

I have disabled Stargate as well but same issue. From the error, it looks like it doesn’t allow 4.1.X

I know this doesn’t really help your specific question, but I’m using v1.8.0 (docker.io/k8ssandra/k8ssandra-operator:v1.8.0) and I can confirm I was able to launch Cassandra 4.1.2 with no issues.

I had the same issue : deleting the crd cassandradatacenters.cassandra.datastax.com and deploying the latest version fixed the deployment issue.

kubectl delete crd cassandradatacenters.cassandra.datastax.com

This issue seems to be well known when upgrading the version of Cassandra.