K8ssandra medusa with self hosted S3

I have run some test on k8ssandra medusa, about the connection to self hosted S3 via https.
I have tested that it fails to connect to self hosted S3 via https when certificate is self-signed and SSL verify is set to false, for that I have raised the jira with proposed fix:

Now, I have test the connection to self hosted S3 via https when certificate is signed by CA and SSL verify is set to true, it works.
However, the following comment in github seems to say that it works only with http:

“Note: By default, MinIO and other self hosted S3 compatible storage systems can only be used in unsecured (non SSL) mode with Medusa due to limitations in Apache Libcloud. To enable SSL access to self hosted S3 compatible storage systems, you will need to set the environment variable SSL_CERT_FILE to the path of a valid certificate file containing trusted CA certificates of your S3 service. In order to get cluster wide commands working properly, you will need to set this in the /etc/default/cassandra-medusa file on all nodes running Medusa containing…”

Could you please clarify how k8ssandra medusa should be configured when connecting to self hosted S3 compatible storage?